Why Aug. 14th-16th

After speaking with many relatives from around the country, we have locked on the above dates.

Why the second week of August?
In talking with several out of town family members, we discovered many of them have long standing family traditions that absolutely prevent them from coming in late August.  Also, several members have engagements that were planned over the last several years that make early August very tough.

Why not do it earler?
Seattle weather earlier than August is dicey.  It often includes random rain showers.  Trying to have it earlier than August means taking a big chance that it could be raining.  

Why not do it later?
We are trying to be respectful of the fact that many schools will be in session.  Some family members will already be challenged as school in their city will have started by August 14th.  Doing it later would likely impact almost all our relatives with school age children or those attending college.

Who do I call with questions?
Dorothea Pipkin (youngest daughter of Mae Liza and Seattle resident.)  She can be reached at 206-721-1398.